The Art of Hitchhiking

There are several reasons why some travellers are not hitchhiking anymore. In comparison to what was it like five decades ago, fuel and cars are cheaper. Aside from that, options for public transport significantly increased to meet the growing density of the population. Lastly, the rise of ridesharing platforms like Lyft and Uber made hitchhiking seems irrelevant in today’s time.

Still, you’d never know when you will be put in such situation in which hitchhiking would be the best and sensible way to do. There are people who are spending lots of time in preparing for unlikely situations. Knowing the proper way of hitchhiking is without a doubt a lot more important than having the skill to start a fire with sticks, build a shelter or whatnot.

Tips for Hitchhiking

Such as with everything you do in life like how to buy Instagram followers, cooking a tasty treat or whatnot, there are tips that can lead you the way on how to hitchhike even in these times.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask People

Safety will always be the utmost concern among people, particularly women on the subject of hitchhiking. To ensure safety, it is ideal to approach drivers in the nearest gas station you’d see. Look for those who seem to be trustworthy.

As you approach them, explain them about your situation and why you need help. Make offers of chipping in for gas and as soon as you have established your connection, it is likely that your hitchhike will be safer and securer.

Choose a Spot where Cars Run Slow

Basically on this one, the slower cars go, the better your chances are to hitchhike. This is due to the reason that it’ll give them enough time to see you and think whether to give you a lift or not.

Find a Spot where Cars can Pull Up Easily

Nobody would want to be involved in an accident only because they are picking you up. So as a hitchhiker, learn to give drivers a courtesy as well by ensuring that there is enough space for vehicles to pull aside.
