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Sharecare Publishes New List of Healthiest States in America

As more vaccinated Americans are pursuing long stalled vacation plans, many still consider going to places where their well being will not be compromised. Every American state has distinctions when it comes to matters affecting the well-being of its citizens, from physical to social well-being, and in relation to their access to healthcare and food. Boston University School of Public Health and Sharecare has recently issued a report that lists the healthiest states to the least places that promote well-being as a quality of life.

Unsurprisingly, out of the top 10 healthiest states, all except for Utah, voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential Election. On the least healthy side, 9 out of 10 such states voted for Donald Trump.

Below are the top six (6) states listed by the Sharecare Report as healthiest states to live in or visit:

Massachusetts – This state has been reigning at the top position for several years but has recently taken the number one spot away from Hawaii. Furthermore, the state also takes first place for having the best healthcare.

Hawaii – Falling in second place in the latest list, Hawaii has ranked highly as number one for overall well-being in the past 13 years. Additionally, the state is ranked first in the whole country concerning individual well-being.

New Jersey – NJ takes the spot for third place in the nation for overall well-being, although with exceptions in other categories including healthcare, economic security, and access to resources.

Maryland -This state ranks fourth on the list, yet on a per category list, the state of Maryland ranked lower with regards to resources, healthcare, and access to food.

New York – Ranking fifth in both access to healthcare, this state even ranks second place nationwide for access to food.

California – Although this state ranks only as 6th for being the healthiest state, ranks first for access to food category.

States Indexed at the Bottom of Healthiest States List

The report includes the states regarded as the least healthiest states to live in as their metric scores placed them at the bottom of the related list, namely:

  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
  • Arkansas
  • Alabama
  • New Mexico
  • West Virginia
  • Kentucky
  • Alaska
  • Nevada
  • Illinois