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Land Travel Distresses – Road Cracks

Cracks that appear in the house can be of different kinds and sizes and may happen for many reasons. You can seek the help of experts in house cracks or votre expert en fissure maison to make sure the job is done well.

Cracks that appear on roads and pavements are due to deterioration, weathering and dilapidation, as well as overloading of vehicles, water seepage, incorrect or bad road surface drainage, lack or absence of appropriate road maintenance, poor design, unfavorable conditions of the climate and other factors. Because of these cracks, traveling by car becomes uncomfortable; additionally it may cause damage to your car.

In flexible pavements, the most usual road problems are cracking and rutting. These road distresses interrupt and badly affect the flow of traffic and road traffic safety heading to poor road performance. Moreover, they can bring about a rise in fuel overheads, time delay and prove to be upsetting and problematic for every single road user.

Detecting road cracks at an initial phase is as crucial as preemptive road maintenance and corrective measures that are effective can be done before the problem turns into something overly severe that will lead to pavement failure. Maintenance of road pavement consequently leads to immense economic advantages in averting pavement failure. Furthermore, road distresses whether minor or major causes irritation to all road users and can be very perilous if ignored and untreated for a lengthy period of time since they could worsen. Appropriate, selective, and timely road repairs and maintenance therefore becomes an imperative and valuable procedure which prolongs the lifespan of the pavement and likewise lessens the maintenance cost.

Kinds of Road Cracks

Fatigue or Alligator Cracking

These are cracks that are interconnected and look like an alligator’s skin. These severe fatigue cracking are caused by recurrent traffic loading, radical climates and vehicles that are heavily loaded.

Block Cracking

It appears to of rectangular cracks that are interconnected. These kinds of fissures also produce coarseness or unevenness of the road and water outflow through the fissures.

Corrugation and Shoving

It is in the shape of unexpected wave in the surface of road and is perpendicular traffic flow direction, typically found in places where vehicles starts or stops. It produces bumpiness and discomfort to the motorist.


These are bowl-shaped depressions of different sizes in the road surface. And commonly have pointed edges. They are likely to appear on roads with surfaces that are thin.
